ECHA: REACH Authorisation and Harmful Substance Replacement list – EuMBC – Compounders

ECHA: REACH Authorisation and Harmful Substance Replacement list

Recently, the European Chemicals Agency published a guide to the REACH Authorisation and Harmful Substance Replacement list.

An important point for companies seeking REACH authorization is to not only present their case for using specific substances but also to explore viable alternatives to potentially harmful chemicals. This approach underscores the commitment to reducing the impact of hazardous substances, leading to safer and more sustainable industrial practices.

Under the REACH framework, companies aiming to obtain authorization for using substances listed in Annex XIV are required to produce an “Analysis of Alternatives” (AoA) alongside their authorization application. This analysis provides insights into potential substitutes for the Annex XIV substances (Candidate List), indicating the company’s dedication to minimizing risks. The summarized version of the AoA is made available to the public on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website, to promote transparency and accountability.


ECHA – Main alternatives to harmful substances subject to REACH authorisation